Fares and Rules
We provide information about fare types and payment methods.
AirJapan offers three fare types. For details, please check the fare type.
- Please find the Fare List.
- AirJapan offers a Child Fare for passengers aged six years or younger and an Infant Fare for passengers aged younger than two years who do not require a seat.
- Please make reservations and purchases from the Air Japan website (computer/smartphone websites). (Purchases cannot be made through contact centers. Furthermore, except for some optional services, new tickets and other purchases cannot be made at airports.)
- Air tickets can be purchased up until 5hours before a flight’s departure time.
- Fares for customers aged 7 and over are subject to change depending on the estimated number of seats available for each flight.
- The policies for voluntary changes and refunds vary from routes. For detailed information, please refer to Reservation Changes and Refunds.
- When making a reservation, please ensure you have at least the required connecting time.
Required connecting time for international flights: 120 minutes or more
Fares for customers under the age of 6
- Fixed airfare for each route applies to passengers aged six years or younger and to passengers aged younger than two years who require a seat.
- Please find the Fare List.
- The policies for voluntary changes and refunds vary from routes. For detailed information, please refer to Reservation Changes and Refunds.
Fares for children under 2 who do not occupy a seat
- Fixed airfare for each route applies to passengers aged younger than two years who do not require a seat.
- Please find the Fare List.
- The policies for voluntary changes and refunds vary from routes. For detailed information, please refer to Reservation Changes and Refunds.
Reservation age category
- In addition to fares that can be applied to each age, there are different limits that apply to each age.
- Age is based on the departure date shown on the air ticket. (In the case that a return air ticket has been reserved at the same time, the age category on first departure date for the outbound and return tickets applies.)
Adults (aged 15 years and older)
Child A (12 to 14 years)
May not sit in seats near the emergency exits.
Child B (7 to 11 years)
May not board alone. A companion aged 15 years or older is required. In addition, may not sit in seats near the emergency exits.
Child C (2 to 6 years)
May not board alone. A companion aged 15 years or older is required. Up to two child passengers aged six years or younger (Child C and Infant) can accompany one adult. May not sit in seats near the emergency exits.
Infant (aged 0 to 1 year)
May not board alone. A companion aged 15 years or older is required. Up to two child passengers aged six years or younger (Child C and Infant) can accompany one adult. *When traveling with two infants, you must hold one infant on your lap and secure a seat for the other infant (Child Fare). *Newborns and infants aged younger than 8 days may not board the aircraft. *Baby bassinets (baby beds) cannot be used. (rental or carry on are not allowed)
Applicable fare
Child Fare: When the child requires a seat Infant Fare: When the child does not require a seat (sitting on an adult’s lap)