2024 Winter schedule to Bangkok/Singapore/Seoul is now on sale.

2024 Winter schedule to Bangkok/Singapore/Seoul is now on sale.

2024 Winter schedule to Bangkok/Singapore/Seoul is now on sale.

  • AirJapan started selling tickets for the winter schedule of 2024 (October 27, 2024 to March 29, 2025).
    • The lowest one-way fares are available from 16,700 JPY for the Narita-Bangkok route, 17,300 JPY for the Narita-Singapore route, and 8,000 JPY for the Narita-Seoul Incheon route. (Airport fees and taxes not included)
    • In addition, AirJapan have reviewed various details of the two fare plans (Standard and Selected) out of the three fare plans (Simple, Standard, and Selected) on all routes for customers boarding from October 27th, 2024. 
      Please click here for more information.

  • The tickets are sold on our website (PC/smartphone site) .